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Image Processing and SoC Lab.

홈으로 이동 ResearchImage Processing and SoC Lab.
  •  이미지
    Moon, Yong Ho Professor
    • MajorSoC / Image processing
    • OfficeRoom 312, Bldg. 407

Research Area

  • UAV flight status prediction using artificial intelligence techniques
  • Development of virtual reality/augmented reality(VR/AR) based simulation S/W
  • Analysis and verification S/W development of aerodynamic embedded systems
  • High-speed image processing and object recognition techniques using CUDA-based parallel processing

Introduction to the lab.

  This lab conducts research on simulation S/W development, embedded system and verification platform construction, and parallel processing-based image processing techniques and applications required in the aviation/defense/ICT field through the fusion of SoC technology and IoT, AR/VR, and deep learning techniques.

Last update date : 2024/11/14 14:19:57