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홈으로 이동 AboutOverview

Department of International Trade

The Department of International Trade is focused on developing people capable of demonstrating global professional competence under the unlimited competition system with global business circles. In order to achieve such a target, the Department provides its students with diversified theoretical and practical grounds. Specifically, lectures in the fields of international economy and international business management are opened to enhance the sense of international economy, and lectures in the fields of contract,, payment, and arbitration for international trade are available in order to cultivate internal trade practical knowledge. In addition to the aforementioned classes, English and Japanese classes for international trade are provided to strengthen the ability required for being a global leader in this area, along with courses related to international logistics, which is currently attracting a great deal of interest. Furthermore, the Department offers courses related to electronic trade to cope with the trending proliferation of digital trade.

Last update date : 2023/11/21 14:43:01